Ol' Man's Lament: (My Shadow)
The pain of standing still
the grief of sittin' 'round
Oh the gittin' old
Is makin' creakin' sounds.
The thoughts of the past
The youth of yesteryear
Oh the gittin' old
Must be my greatest fear.
The pain of givin' up
The grief of leavin' town
Oh the gittin' old
Be gittin' me down.
Payin' my dues
Wrappin' it up
Oh this gittin' old, my God!
What's left in my cup?
Crabby 'rage against the dying'
Oh ok, 'of the light'
Ah the gittin' old
Has ushered in MY night.
Would ratha a hero be
Lightin' up the night
Or a good golfer be
With perfect (in my) twilight eye sight.
Ol' man, git over it!
Stop bitchin', stop moanin'
Git it up, git it on
Live on ol' man groanin'.
AvH 2016/17